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Illustration created from written descriptions of a Sasquatch outcast, known for being murderously territorial. The markings are rough attempts at recreating the language of one of the ancient cultures that likely provided the inspiration the Deumana used when spawning these beings.

Large bipedal simians found living in groups deep in the Inland Forests. The largest of these neo-apes can grow to sizes of up to 16 hand-spans. They have come to be feared by the Folk due to the ferociousness of their outcasts; ragged, torn, merciless beings, capable of brutal shows of strength, speed and agility. Crossing an outcast is a death sentence, and even traveling nearby risks their wrath, for they’ve become savage and cruel in their isolation. These loners are the exception, however, and typically a Sasquatch acts violently only if threatened. There are even records of Sasquatch youths playing alongside druid children, and they have been known to foster similar positive relationships with hermits. GrannyMoss informs the Library that she counts one particular outcast as a friend - having treated it for severe tooth-ache cycles ago - and that they now provide each other oft-needed company and assistance.

The fur of a Sasquatch is dank, matted and an unrelenting assault on the olfactory senses. They are tool users, though resist attempts at domestication. Communication between them appears to be conducted through a combination of vocalisations, body language, and the pounding of rocks and logs. They can be mistaken for Faux Giants, which adds further cause as to why many Folk avoid them whenever possible.

A common saying among Folk hunters is "One ape is many times worse than many".