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An assortment of fay faces taken down by a patient scholar while conducting their field work. It seems this motley band trailed along, darting out to gobble up any foodstuffs the famished academic attempted to prepare. Thereafter, the scholar passionately dedicated themselves to working indoors.

Roguish fay-folk found in burrows, brambles, and bushes. They are a diminutive, feral species, capable of limited speech, which is more often than not employed for pranks and shenanigans. No two of their kind are alike, and they range from playful imps to dangerous entities, and generally best avoided. Being a thoroughly wild species, it is difficult to reason with a Gremk, though they can be discouraged in other ways, bribery being the most common approach. Threats of violence against the artful imps often results in a most terrible retribution, as Gremks are known to band together when threatened.

Their appearance varies, though typical traits are pronounced snouts and ears, large, calloused feet, and thick, bristly hair sprouting from all manner of places. Their attire is cobbled together from foraged linens, rough furs and skins, or their own hair, if they dress at all. Their accumulated smells seem a mark of pride, and while they're not typically poisonous, the bacteria in their mouths and nails can seriously injure, even kill, a creature of lesser fortitude.

They employ simple, magical abilities in a manner unconscious of Anima. Likely the creatures owe their origins to a fanciful Deumana, hoping to create fairy-tale creatures, though it seems their creator dismissed them quickly, and they escaped to spread across Lume. Being incapable, or perhaps simply uninterested, in forming a society, they have not yet joined the major Races.

When operating in a pack, the most devious of them acts as leader. The Belly banditos are an example of a particularly clever and ambitious trio. At least in Gremk terms.

Always leave a pair of shoes out for the Gremks. If the merry pranksters set your cottage on fire in the night, you won’t have to be running around barefoot.