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An account of the known Fauna inhabiting Lume

This assemblage entails only a fraction of the beings found on the Continent, and will be subject to frequent addition and modification. For an overview of the genetics, refer to the entry on Fauna. Many of these creatures are intelligent, even erudite, and it should be noted that the term Bestiary, derived from bestia (beast), is used with the utmost respect.





Spiderlings (juveniles) of Great Arachnae. Instinctive, ravenous, but also cautious. Little, if any, ability to communicate. Spawned in large numbers, left to fend independently so the strongest and cleverest survive. Cryptids


Panther-like, carnivorous Flora. Asymmetrical, thorny brute. Sui generis


Petra erpeto - Wild, reptilian Casters of limited natural ability. 1m standing, 2m long. - Mytikos


Monkey-like possum creatures. Two tails, large, dark eyes. Curious, quick, slender and agile. Dexterous paws with opposable thumbs, tool-users. Sui generis


Pulsing, predatory mound of reanimated organs - Undead


Pentapedal predators, legs surround a demonic face and large mouth. Folks height, prehensile feet. Rolling run. Stands on two or more legs. Throttles and bites chunks off prey. Sentient. Homicidal. Mytikos


Sentient, many-limbed chimera associated with swamps, bogs and rivers. Pronogrades with horse-like heads, matted hair, and large, webbed hands. Intelligent, verbal, and instinctive Creepers Casters. Large omnivores, with prehensile, limb-like tails. Though rational and reasonable creatures, they are fierce guardians and opponents. Cryptids.


Equus simia - Primal equine apes, semi-literate (plough-horse, gorilla). Wild and brutal. Primitive weapons and simian communication. Mytikos


Elongated feline with a head full of teeth, ears, no eyes or snout. Semi-sentient, lures prey with parroting whispers. Cryptid


Meerkat-like pack lizards. Clever, inquisitive, even helpful. Good thieves, scouts and companions. Optimistic and energetic chatterboxes. Limited sentience. Sui generis.

Cursed Crates

Prank by the Creepers. Tempts Races with empty box, 'travels' (Creepers make and unmake in different location. Functionally indestructible, though not truly a living creature. Can be deterred by barren terrain. Vary in size, and rarely helpful. Reliquary


Amphibious reptile of low profile, with powerful jaws and a sinuous body sprouting many rows of stumpy legs. Created by the Deumana to scour waterways and dispose of escapees, they remain highly predatory. Their anatomy is modeled on some of the more successful predators on the planet, making them extraordinarily resilient.

Dermaton (rogue)

Mimic automaton, wears living skin of prey to infiltrate and gather data. Originally Created by Deumana and used by Slenders, the latter limited them to less unethical uses, though many went rogue. Initially of rodent size, can add and discard structure to suit. Cannot disguise eyes (metallic) or weight. Programmed sentience. Reliquary

Dog Beetles a.k.a. Hardhat

Skythari skylou - Armoured, canine-like insect. Omnivorous quadruped. Short distance flight. Trainable. sui generis.


Meganeura. Predatory flying insect. 1m wingspan, low mass, tail and leg spines. Megafauna.

Dromorns a.k.a. Demon duck

Dromornithidae - 3m tall, stocky, bipedal bird sporting a powerful beak. Charges as well as bites. Herbivore with omnivore tendency. Megafauna

Drubs, Tregs, Trogs

Canine-like Flora, guardians and companions of Folk with three life stages, being least active in the latter stage. Pliable bark-like epidermis. Nourishes via paw roots; photosensitive spots on head detect surroundings. Sui generis.

Faux Giants

Large, dangerous humanoids. Limited sentience, misleadingly malformed appearance. See full entry. Sui generis

Fey (wild)

Wild, humanoid Anima-vampires. Distinct from domestic Fey that live amongst Folks. Natural Illusionists, intelligent and dangerous tricksters. Elfin/vampiric appearance.


Clever, fox-like wildcats, who make use of rudimentary traps. Animal bait, natural or dug pits, and misdirecting echoes. Residuum


Jellyfish-like, 1-3m predatory blob with acidic flesh. Typically prey, bones or items seen inside Sui generis


Serpens avis. Four-winged serpent-bird. Larger variants recorded, with two wings. Average 1m length, beaked, scaled and feathered. Poisonous bite, small and sharp talons. Semi-sentient, can parrot speak. Sui generis.

Hghrrr a.k.a. Growls

Canidae vocalis - Talking dog pack. Semi-opposable front dewclaws. Fierce but reasonable. Residuum.


Long-haired bull/gnu, exhales toxic fumes as defence from predators. Skittish. - Megafauna


Canine, low-level natural Illusionists. Quadropeds that can assume biped stance for periods (orthograde/pronograde). Sentience increases with age and training, as do number of tails. Require Folk mates to reproduce. Omnivorous and typically passive, with a dangerous knack for self-preservation. Cryptids

Land Whales

Terrestrial fungi baleen. Enormous proportions, see full entry. sui generis.

Hares or Rabbits

Venomous remnants of the Leporidae family. Roughly canine-sized, their claws and front teeth are considered venomous, but are most likely simply carrying disease. Fast, skittish. Residuum.

Magnapede a.k.a. Ket ket

Proctopodon Goliah. Very large, snub-nosed kangaroo. Sentient, with rudimentary vocal skills. Pentapedal, and can drown and disembowel threats. Fast leaping locomotion. Instances of Ket Ket traders using modified pouches for storage have been recorded. Megafauna


Diprotodon - Giant. wombat-like marsupial. Typically placid, though can use its bulk to clear dense forest, and stomp or gnash at predators. Megafauna


Humanoid mantis. Hermit, sentient, Folk-sized. Poses philosophical challenges to intimidate intelligent prey, under the guise of being sporting. Well-equipped and intelligent predators. Can be persuaded to tutor in their chosen field. Deadly blades, mandibles and quick minds. Limited flight. Cryptids


Enormous, semi-fossilized, cadaverous hand. Predatory, seeks blood to bathe in. Instinctive. Undead


Homotherium Serum - Large felines with pronounced forelegs (lion, hyena, sabertooth). Pronounced but practical fangs. Diurnal (day hunters) pursuit predators. Megafauna.


Arthropleura -2.5m long, armoured insect herbivore. Rolls into ball for protection, and squirts irritant acid, however can bite and stab with strength if sufficiently provoked. Megafauna.

Paradise Worms

Immense, predatory excavator residing in barren terrains, and hunting the ill and Undead. See entry for more details. Sui generis


Nulla Libero Farinam - Carnivorous, cage-like Flora with symbiotic fungi bait. Residuum


Gigantopithecus - Large, powerful ape-like beings that are most threatening when alone. Cryptids


Enormous, winged silkworm chimera grub. Hunts Cryptids and Sui generis. Rare. Wise. Telepathic. Reasonable and passive, unless prey is detected, then becoming a remorseless and barbaric killer. - Mytikos


Leo hominum. Large, winged feline with humanoid face. Poses riddles to gauge the intellect, and therefore the difficulty, of its prey. Mytikos


Swin spina porcos - Kerotin-spiked boar. Residuum


Walking corpse, usually housing a colony or nest of creatures, which it guards. Typically less bellicose than its reanimated peers, it is still a dangerous foe that requires Anima to remain animated. Can carry plagues and disease in its rotting flesh. Undead


Proctopodon goliah - Large kangaroo-like marsupial.Megafauna


Ursus spelaeus. Cave bear, 3.5m standing, omnivore. Resides in caves, dens, huts, thickets and dense scrub. Megafauna


Cervidae (deer) of a dangerously thin disposition. Though a herbivore, its tusks, antlers and hooves are razor sharp. THin, elongated proportions make them hard to detect or keep in focus. Residuum